No, I’m not pregnant with triplets…
Sean has three more teeth ready to pop through! You can see the second tooth through the gums on the bottom, and the two front teeth on top are just bulging under his gums. Poor guy, he had a rough day at ‘school’ yesterday, and had to get Tylenol through the night to sleep. Pretty soon there won’t be any more of his smushy kisses 🙁 Get them while you can!
He also cracked me up yesterday with his new fascination. I got a short video of it, I’ll try to find time to post it soon. Yesterday he was fascinated with making a bubble with his mouth and letting it pop. I kept hearing him say “mwa mwa mwa” really slowly, and when I looked over, he was making a big spit bubble while slowly opening his mouth, then saying “mwa” to pop it. So cute and funny! He did it about 100 times, guess he liked the feel of it 🙂
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Happy birthday dear Reagan, haaaaappy birthdaaaaaaaay, toooooooo yoooooooooooouuuuuuu! (that was a typed version of us singing). Today is Sean’s girlfriend/best friend/future wife’s 1st birthday! We can’t believe that she’s already a year old. Wow. Time sure flies. Here’s some pictures to show how much she’s grown! What a cute girl. We’re missing her birthday party today since we’re in New York, but I’m sure that we’ll get together to celebrate when we get home.
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We can’t believe that 10 months ago today we met our little boy for the first time! He’s growing up so fast and is looking more and more like a little boy every day, instead of a baby. He’s really close to walking; he actually took 2 steps the other day toward the cat. He’ll do 1 step and then fall forward going from person to person as well. He’s also really into doing “so big,” waving, saying “bye bye” clapping his hands, and playing with his toys. Santa was really wonderful to him this year, he got some awesome toys and very cute clothes 🙂
Sean is having a great time with his Oma, Opa and Aunt Cate here in New York. It’s funny, he slept really horribly the first few nights that we were here, and my Dad and Colleen offered to take him in his room for the night to let us get some sleep. He ended up sleeping perfectly. He slept in their room again last night and slept perfectly again. I guess he’s just tired of his mommy and daddy and wants to be with Oma and Opa! They just love it 🙂
Here are some pictures of Sean from our vacation so far, along with Christmas pictures. Notice his Christmas outfit with his name embroidered on it from Stephen and Ally (Thank you!). What a cute gift. We got it for a baby shower gift and it fit him absolutly perfectly on Christmas morning. He wore it all day 🙂
Here are some more pictures of our time here, mostly of the birds and snow. We havae about 3 feet right now, although it’s packed down on itself some over the past few days. Still…a lot more than we get in KY and it made for a wonderful white Christmas.
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Even though this has been one of the strangest, emotional, plan-disruptive Christmases ever, we are still thankful for everything we have, and for each other. We hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas in spite of it all!
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If we were around, I’d bake you a cake or something. Maybe one of these:

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We are finally in New York for the holiday. Our great trip started on Thursday when I got an automated call from delta letting us know our flight was canceled and we were rebooked for Saturday evening. Wonderful So I sicked emily on Delta to get us on another flight on Friday. She got us onto a Northwest Airlines flight that had a layover in Detroit. We were originally scheduled to make it to Albany by 1030pm.
When we got to CVG to start our trip, the desk agent could not find our reservation that Delta created. Emily called Delta and found it for him. That took us about 45 minutes. Next we find out NWA charged $15 per checked bag. Great. They were nice enough not to charge for the 63lb bag (50lb limit). Merry Christmas, here’s my $30.
After waiting in line forever at the TSA check, we discovered that since our tickets were only 24 hours old, we were lucky enough to be given a full security check – all our bags, both my laptops, etc. Its now about 645pm and our plane leaves at 7:10. Luckily we were flying out of concourse A.
We finally get on our plane and the captain makes an announcement that we are 300lbs overweight on luggages and 400lbs overweight on fuel. This makes us unable to land. His solution was to sit on the runway and run the engines at partial throttle to burn off the 400 extra pounds of fuel. Wonder how much that just cost the airlines? Give me a bucket and a plastic tube and we could have siphoned it out! 🙂
After 30 minutes or so, we finally get in the air. Uneventful but short flight. We land in Detroit in the very last terminal in the C concourse and rush to our next gate two terminals away, only to find out our flight is delayed by at least 20 minutes.
This is apparently the only flight that has been able to get to Albany since Thursday due to weather. The standby list was more than a page long. Luckily we had tickets. The plane didn’t board until 1030. The captain of this flight announced that they were loading a bunch of extra luggage onto the plane from missed flights earlier so we were going to be there a while extra. That “while extra” turned into an hour of sitting. We finally get into the air after 1130pm, near two hours after the plane was originally supposed to fly at 942pm.
We landed after 1230am and made our way to the baggage claim. They loaded all the baggage from our flight and two others onto the small conveyor belt. This included all the luggage for people who were not there – all the extra from our flight. As we waited for our luggage to come out, a handler made an announcement that all the luggage from the Detroit flight has been unloaded. Thats swell. So we, along with about 60 other people on our flight didn’t get our bags. The only bag we got was Sean’s.
As I type this, I am still in my clothes from yesterday and have no clue when I will get my bag — if I get my bag — for this 9 day trip. Ugh. If I am going to pay $15 per bag to fly on your plane, you better keep a close eye on my luggage. Somethings never change.
All in all, we finally got to bed around 4AM. And yes, Sean decided he still needed to get up at 730. He is still up, with only a 15 minute nap this morning.
There is about 18 inches of snow on the ground and it is still falling lightly. Sean is having a blast playing with Auntie Cate, Bailey dog, and GingerKitty and getting into a lot of trouble. Hopefully he will get to see Diana soon as well. Brian and Ash are at the CVG airport now trying to catch one of the flights up. Mom and Megan will be joining us on the 23rd at the cabin and I’m sure Sean is going to be tickled to see them again 🙂
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Grams passed away in her sleep last night. It was very peaceful. Services are going to be on Sunday. Thanks, everyone, for your thoughts and prayers over the past few weeks.
Em & Paul
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Sparing all the details and events from the past week, my mom and her 4 siblings decided, with Gram’s agreement, to take her off all medication for the c-diff infection, as well as the dialysis. They have set her up with good pain medication that keeps her comfortable, and only have IV fluids to keep her hydrated. She was moved out of the ICU and into the oncology unit 2 days ago. She doesn’t have cancer, but they are better suited for end of life patients; nicely set up, quiet rooms, less interruptions from staff, and just an all around better place to spend her final days. Family continues to stay by her side around the clock. They say that she’s content and comfortable. She’s even allowed to have coffee and coke by way of one of those sponge thingies. 🙂
Please pray for peace and comfort for all of us (family and friends) as we let her go, and for Grams, for safe passage when it’s time.
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Since Sean has had 4 ear infections since August, the subject of tubes has come up. I am pretty hesitant to put tubes in his ears so I did a lot of reading, and found a lot of research about chiropractic and it’s benefits for babies/kids with ear infections / sinus problems. I figured it was worth a try; I’ve found chiropractic very helpful in the past, and it’s a much better option than surgery in my mind!
Sean had his first appointment today with Dr. Heather. She was very nice and Sean was, of course, a big flirt with her. It was really cool to see how she adjusted Sean’s neck, back and hips. She held him and used his own body and body weight to apply pressure to adjust him. For instance, when she adjusted the area around his shoulder blades, she put her fingers on his spine, then leaned him back (like we do – which he loves) and said “weeee!” It entertained him, as well as adjusted him. Cool stuff. She did the same kind of thing side to side to do his neck. I was wondering how they’d do babies, since my only experience is to lay on the table, let our all your breath, then CRACK as they push into your back. Not so condusive to babies. 🙂
So, we’ll go a couple more times and see if there’s been any improvement. Hopefully, it’ll be the miracle cure we need!
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