So my family has an obsession with a video clip from the internet. We constantly are saying “Surely?” and “Now my head” (while patting our heads) to each other as onlookers and household visiters look at us like we have 3 heads…until they see the video. It’s a little girl reciting Psalm 23. I’ve never seen such a cute thing in my life (well, except our little boy) and I had to finally post it. We watch it almost every day.
Click here to see it.Â
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Gotta do some catch-up on my posts! I put some more pictures from this weekend up on the “1 month” page. We set up his crib (finally) and there\’s a few of him in there checking it out for the first time 🙂

Sean had his 1 month checkup at the doctor Wednesday. He is around the 50th percentile for height, weight and head size, so he’s doing great! He’s gained a TON of weight and is no longer a little tiny boy…he’s sprouted to 21.25 inches long and 9lbs 8oz!! He’s growing up so fast; today he held a rattle in his hand for about 5 minutes and was shaking it and talking to it. He also has been smiling at me often. He sure knows how to melt my heart!
On top of growing up so big, he accomplished a huge feat last night. We’ve been trying to get him to take naps in his crib to get used to it, and have been toying around with the idea of him sleeping at night in there (it’s just so easy to have him sleep with me). Last night I tried it and he slept in the crib from midnight – 230am, ate at 230am, then slept in the crib until 530am, ate again, and slept again in there until 830am! Wow! What a great night of sleep for me! We’re trying this again tonight!
His uncle Brian made him look like a rock star with his phone rattle today. Check out that and other pictures from Tuesday on…

Also, Steph Carson wrote me and said that she put 3 pictures up on her blog from Saturday. They are unbelievable. The first one is of Sean is Paul’s “bumblebee” outfit from 1975. The second one is Paul holding Sean’s foot, and the third is of Megabyte. Steph fell in love with her and had to take some pictures of her! Check them out by clicking here.
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I can’t believe that our little baby boy is 1 month old today! Time sure flies; although it feels like years since I was pregnant. Happy 1 month birthday Little Sean! Quit growing up so fast!
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I added some code to the website to track where our visitors are coming from. There is a new page under the “Links” menu. It will show you this map:

Clicking on the map above will bring you to the map details on MapLoco’s website. The image is updated every 24 hours and there is a list on the MapLoco website detailing the visitor details which is updated every 5 minutes.
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We had a great time yesterday with Steph Carson. She was here for about an hour and took tons of great pictures of Little Sean. She also fell in love with Megabyte and shot quite a few pictures of her as well! We did a lot of naked pictures of Sean. He seemed to love being nakey for the pictures and showed off his stuff to Steph :-) We did some cute shots with him lying on our brand new white living room rug (yeah, it was cute, but as you are probably thinking…a mistake). He peed twice on the rug! We were cracking up laughing as Steph was trying to dodge the streams of pee shooting up towards her. Later, Paul was holding Little Sean while he was naked and he peed twice on Paul! When he stood up from holding Sean, his entire lap and pants of his jeans were sopping wet with pee. It was quite the funny photo shoot!
Steph says that she’ll have the pictures ready in 2 weeks. Basically, she gives us a CD with the images to upload to a photography website, where anyone can go and look at the pictures and order them. It’s a really neat idea, because everyone can look at them, and order exactly what they want. The pictures are apparantely really cheap too, with an 8×10 only costing about $4! We’ll post when those are available to look at and order.
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Little Sean had quite the adventurous 24 hours! Last night everyone came over to watch Lost, and afterwards, my mom and aunt joked (I thought) about taking him for the night after I made a comment about needing to get to bed because I was tired. After some astonishment on my part, and explanation on their part that between the two of them they had 8 kids and besides, really really wanted a night with him, they took our little boy across the street for his first sleepover at Grandma’s house. He did wonderful overnight with them and they soaked up every minute. It was hard for me to get him back, as they wanted to kidnap him forever! It was such a sweet gesture; Paul and I got some very much needed time together that we haven’t had in over 4 weeks. It was nice to just have the two of us for awhile and spend quality time together 🙂
When they brought Sean back to me this morning, he was so cute! He immediately snuggled up to me and seemed to be saying “oh mommy, I missed you!” I pulled him away from me and started talking to him and he smiled his very first smile at me! My mom saw it too and we were amazed and excited!! I hope he does it again soon, it just melted my heart!
We also went on our first neighborhood walk today. He was wrapped up in his sling that his Auntie Megan got him and fell right asleep. It was nice to get out and get a little exercise and enjoy the nice weather!
Steph Carson (the photographer that took Brian and Ashley’s wedding pictures) is coming tomorrow morning to take professional pictures of Sean. We are really excited to see how they turn out! Steph is amazing.
My mom also took some pictures of Sean and me. I don’t have any (except for the hospital ones) of the two of us. Click below to see them:

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Little Sean is getting so big! He was weighed on Saturday and was 8lbs 4oz. He’s gained a lot of weight and gotten longer too! He’s finally starting to fit into some of his 0-3 month clothes that everyone got him too. He’s getting so big I can’t stand it! Pretty soon he’ll be sitting up and crawling!
Sean tried out his playmat a lot today. He’s really starting to like it! Got some more cute sleepy pictures too. 🙂
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Sean’s Auntie Cate came from New York today to visit. She’s having a blast with little Sean and he’s taking to her quite well. Check out some pictures of them together 🙂

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We officially have the sweetest boy ever! We can’t believe that he’ll be 3 weeks old on Tuesday…time really flies!
We also moved into our new house this weekend. We really love it and are having fun putting everything away. It’s very homey and we can’t wait for little Sean to grow up here.
There’s some more pictures up; we have more every day and hopefully as I get into a schedule with him I’ll get more time to post them and get more pictures as well. We’re trying to get more pictures of him awake; we have so many of him sleeping!
This is one of my favorites:
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