Nov 10 2009

Who is this child?

Tag: General,SeanAndrewEmily @ 5:35 pm

So I think that someone took my son and replaced him with a stunt double. Last night he didn’t want a bottle for the first time in his life at bedtime. He never asked for it, went to bed and slept through the night…weird. Then, we came home after a trip to the library after picking him up from school and he went into the kitchen, pointed to the fridge and said “Milk, mommy.” Uhh…he has never drank milk from a cup…ever. He always refuses, which is part of the reason we still give him a bottle at night; since he never gets milk otherwise. So he polished off a whole cup of milk went “ahhhh” and said “more milk, mommy?” Who is this kid???

We’ll see how long this lasts; especially because I probably jinxed it by writing this post.

Could we be done with bottles??

Nov 01 2009

Happy Halloween!

Tag: GeneralEmily @ 8:46 pm

We had a great Halloween with Sean. Diana made him a very cute Kitty costume. He wore it to school on Friday for their Halloween party. When it was time for trick or treating yesterday, Sean didn’t want to put his costume on. We opened the door and he saw all the kids dressed up, then he got excited about it and put his costume on! We headed out and after about 3 houses, he finally understood that people were giving him candy! He then started walking up to houses on his own and saying “more neenee (candy)!” He was so cute! He actually walked around for 1.5 hours and was going strong. I made him stop, because I was tired, but he kept saying “more neenee!” LOL. Here are some pictures of his cute little self on Halloween morning playing in leaves, and also in his costume: