I’ts been a while since I have posted a blog entry, so I figured I would do one right now.
Had a trade show last weekend in Sebring, FL. It was about 95 degrees and 80%+ humidty every day. Very pretty, but not a whole lot of fun to be outside until after 4pm. There are some pics of the event in our gallery (page 2, paul’s work photos).
I got the FZR running again Tuesday night and finally got it out of Diana’s garage. The Man Upstairs must ride a motorcycle. Weather was gray and raining tuesday. Got the bike running that night, rode it home in the trickling rain. Woke up Wed. morning to a beautiful sunny (and chilly) morning. Rode to work with a smile on my face 🙂 Haven’t ridden since December and I almost forgot how nice it is. Going to try to ride a couple hundred miles this weekend! Probably going to be my main transportation for the foreseeable future. Talon only gets 16-19mpg, bike gets 40-50. At $3 a gallon, thats a nice bit of savings. Maybe I’ll even look into a newer bike that is slightly more comfortable and has better ammenities. 😉
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Patrice from my work is getting a new puppy!! Since her fiance is out of town I went with her to see her puppy, and take pictures of the one she picked out. She’s a Sheltie and she’s SO CUTE!
Click on the pictures below to see lots of pictures of her!

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Our project for this weekend is getting all of the hardware on our cabinets. We did the master bathroom ones and they look great! The only problem that we’re running into is that the screws are too short for the hardware to work on the pull out drawers. The wood is too thick, because of the regular thickness of the drawer, then added wood b/c of the drawer face. We’re going to have to go to Lowe’s and look for longer screws that will work. We’re doing all the regular cabinets though! I’ll try to get some pictures tonight of them.
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Colleen and Cate came down this weekend from NY to visit Brian and me. They came on Wednesday and left last night (Sat). They stayed with me in the new house, and since Paul was out of town for work, it was a girl’s weekend! They got to do a lot of sightseeing, shopping and more shopping (sorry Dad!). They got to experience Buffalo Wild Wings for the first time while they were here. We had some other things on our list, like White Castle and Skyline Chili, but Cate’s stomach after eating wings that were a weeeee bit to hot the day before, couldnt’ handle the rest of the crazy food we eat down here in KY 🙂 Guess we’ll have to save those for the next trip!
We drove up to Brian and Ashley’s apartment in Dayton, OH for dinner. We ate at Cold Stone Creamery after stuffing ourselves w/dinner. Yum.
On Saturday before they left we went up to Turtle Creek Flea Market in Cincinnati. It was a lot of fun and reminded us of the good ‘ol days of flea market shopping on the long car trip to KY every year. Everyone got a few cute knick knacks. I got a little glass top jar to put miniature seashells in for one of the bathrooms. Ahh…the joy of flea markets, such a beautiful place 🙂
They had a pretty rough time getting home last night, had to fly into Pennsylvania then drive 5 hours to Albany, NY to pick up their car, then drive 1.5 hours home. Bleh. So goes life on standby sometimes.
Overall, we all had a great extended weekend. Cate & Colleen totally fell in love w/Megabyte this weekend and tried to figure out a way to stuff her in their suitcases. Got some really cute pictures of Cate & Meg:
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Well, we are pretty much moved in at this point. We have almost everything from my mom’s house, minus 1 bed for the guest room, but we’re getting that tomorrow. We still need to do things like hang pictures, get out little knick-nacks for around the place, etc, but the house is coming along really nicely! We are so happy to be in it! Our furniture works really well in the house, and it feels really homey. We got cable and internet on Wednesday, so we’re back online and the TIVO is up and going. I finally got my computer over here today, so I’m able to update the website again. Sorry it’s been so long! We’ve been so busy moving and getting the house in order that I didn’t have time to post.
On Saturday we went to a party at our neighbor’s Julie and Chris who live on the culdesac. A bunch of people from our little street came over, brought their kids and we got to know each other and hung out. It was a lot of fun. We really like all of our neighbors that we’ve met so far. Everyone’s pretty young, the oldest couple on our street is probably in their 40s. Very young neighborhood with lots of dogs and young kids.
We were all taking bets on when we’re going to get our yards done (seed & hay). I think there are only about 4 people on our street that have grass so far. We’ll be really happy when we get it. We found a little patch of grass by the woods in our backyard for Megabyte, but pretty much we have to take her on walks a couple of times a day; Meg really hates that ;-).
Well, guess that’s about it for now. Click on the picture below to see pictures from today:

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Whew! Moving in is tiring!! We’ve been spending the last 2 days unpacking and moving boxes to the basement so they aren’t in the garage. We get our garage door opener today, yay! Now we can actually park our cars where they should be.
We’ll have to get some pictures up of how things look inside. The house is pretty messy – furniture is kind of just sitting around until we find a place for it…maybe we’ll do pictures in a few days.
We met some neighbors last night. They are having an Easter party for our street so everyone can meet their neighbors. We’re going, everyone we’ve met so far on our street is really nice, so we’re looking forward to a meet & greet 🙂
That’s all for now, sorry we haven’t posted in awhile, been busy as you can imagine.
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I about 6 hours we will be boarding our Delta flight to Ft. Myers, FL. Its our annual week long trip to Sanibel Island with Emily’s mom, brother, and stepfather. Here is a skyshot from Google’s Map service:

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This one is a little closer with the beach area we spend our days on.

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This next image is as close as Google Maps had, but it is close enough to see the pool and even our cabin that we stay in. (I’ve marked them with red circles, if you click on the image for a larger version).

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My friend and co-worker, Molly has blessed me by letting me borrow her Verizon Wireless internet PC card for my laptop. Really cool, thanks Molly! Now I can surf the net while sitting in front of the surf!
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