May 27 2009

New videos!!

Tag: SeanAndrewEmily @ 8:47 pm

OK, so if you haven’t seen this already, Sean does this crazy thing when we ask him “are you excited?” You just have to see the video to understand. It’s kind of long, but well worth it! We keep asking ourselves…what is this? LOL

Next, a very cute video of Sean playing ball with Baxter and Megabyte. He was laughing so hard; makes me laugh just to watch it. 🙂

May 27 2009

Ever had a bad family photo?

Tag: Fun,Fun Links and Stuff,General,really..?!Paul C. @ 9:48 am

Family portraits rarely turn out perfect, and if they don’t – and you have them online somewhere – the may end up here:
There are some REALLY bad ones on here. Some are just kind of bad, but you know these guys regret this photo today:

May 21 2009

Some pics

Tag: GeneralEmily @ 8:59 pm

Here are a few pictures we’ve taken recently. We’ve been slacking on the photo taking as well…sorry! I’ve been crazy busy with end of the year stuff that I barely have time to do anything these days. Oh well. Enjoy these…there are some videos too, but I have to find some time to edit them.

May 21 2009

Lagging in Blogging

Tag: GeneralPaul C. @ 1:01 pm

Emily and I have been keeping really busy lately – she is finishing up the school year and I’ve been busy at work with a new release. 3 Day weekend coming up and Mom is driving down from St. Louis for some Sean time. I’ll be heading to Seattle in July to visit Sean and go to a Mighty Mighty Bosstones show. Man I haven’t been to one in … 7 or 8 years (they broke up for a while)!
I’ll try to get some updates later. I’ve got some photos of Sean to put online too.

May 10 2009

Happy Mother’s Day!

Tag: GeneralEmily @ 4:35 pm

Happy Mother’s Day to all mommies out there!! Hope you have a wonderful day!!

May 06 2009

Make some awesome food at home

Tag: food,Fun,PaulPaul C. @ 10:26 pm

I’m a big fan of Asian food – I love sticky white rice. Emily bought me a rice cooker a few years ago as a present. We used it often, but got tired of the recipes we used that it kind of fell by the way side.
Emily and I were at one of our local grocery stores and came across a powder mix for General Tso’s chicken. It was produced by a subsidary company of Williams Foods, called Sunbird. We tried it and loved it. After that we tried the Honey Sesame Chicken and Mongolian Beef packets.
Basically, these packets are the spices and flavoring – you still add soy sauce, beef/chicken, veggies (GASP – yes paul adds veggies like green onions, spinach, and been sprouts!), rice and any other favorites you like in your Asian cuisine.
They are an inexpensive way to make your dinner night interesting – its a great home cooked meal but tastes just like (or better!) something you could get from your favorite Chinese restaurant.
For any of the single guys out there, these could give you the edge for an “exotic” dinner prepared at home!

May 05 2009

Chop chop!

Tag: EmilyEmily @ 8:04 pm

Today I got 4.5 inches chopped off my hair! Eep! I was in the mood for something different, and coming from the girl that never does anything to her hair, it was quite a change for me! What do you think??

May 04 2009

What’s happening?

Tag: Emily,Family,SeanAndrewEmily @ 8:05 pm

Wow, it’s been FOREVER since I posted on here. I’ve been really busy lately, especially with the school year coming to a close soon.

1) Speaking of the school year ending, everyone supposedly hears from the school district if their job is renewed for next year, on May 15th. (Please keep me in your thoughts!) As you probably know, I ventured into the unknown last August and left my job at NorthKey to work as a Transition Coordinator in a local school district. It’s a year-to-year job, and the uncertainty of it was one of the negatives. I think, however, that the position has gotten a very positive response this year, and I hope that it (and I) will be renewed for next year. I’ve been working with the other coordinators on improvements for next year, and I’ve started putting together some data collection tools for the program so that we can track our effectiveness over the next few years. We have a HUGE 3-day transition summit in June in Bardstown, KY and our district (i.e. me and the other 2 coordinators) have to present about the “wonderful” things we’re doing in our district. Woopee! 😉 Add that to the growing stack of items on my plate *sigh*

2) I have some pictures from a few weeks ago that Paul bragged about that are finally edited and ready to go. Click below to see them.

3) I have a new hobby!!! I’m A-D-D-I-C-T-E-D to couponing! I just started about a month ago, and have already learned so much. Who knew that there could be so many complexities in grocery shopping?! LOL
Some of my more recent STEALS: Last week I got the following for FREE (yes, completely free): 2 bags of cat food (which I am donating to a cat shelter), a box of bandaids and 2 toothbrushes. Wow! FREE! My major deal from today was with Schick razors. I have had a few $4 off coupons for Schick Quattro razors (which are very nice disposables if you didn’t know…hehe…I Know, my life is boring) but the razors which usually retail for around $8.99 have never been on sale enough for me to feel like I”m getting enough of a deal. But tonight, thy were on sale at Kroger for $5.49 (unheard of) and I had 2, $4.00 off coupons PLUS 2 Buy One Get One Free coupons. So, I ended up getting 4 packages of the razors which usually retail for $8.99 for a mere $.75 each!!! Holy Crap! 🙂 I know, I’m weird. So, if anyone has some extra time and feels like sending their coupon inserts (SmartSource & Redplum) from the Sunday paper to me, I’d be ecstatic! 🙂 Paul thinks I’m nuts, but likes that I’ve found a hobby that actually saves us money. My trip to the store tonight cost me $45.66, but after my coupons, cost me just $14.28. I kick ass.