Ok, so I had a big post written up about Sean’s birthday and stuff, but then Paul told me that the gallery isn’t actually up and running (at least we can’t add new pictures yet), so I can’t put birthday pictures up yet. SORRY!!! I did put a couple on Facebook, if you can get on there.
I’ll try to get them up as soon as possible. Here’s one that Paul was able to get on here, but that’s it. More later…
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There’s an effort to elect an unknown random person as President… and it’s someone we know! See this news website about the surprising new nominee:
Press play when it comes up.
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Since Monday night, Sean has been sleeping in his crib and his sniffles are all gone! Mom and Dad have been sleeping well (especially mom!) and Sean is back to his normal cheerful self. He went to daycare for the first time in over a week yesterday. He was so pooped when he got home, that he was in bed by 6:30pm and didn’t wake up until midnight for a bottle! I was secretly hoping he would wake up so I would actually get to spend some time with him 🙂
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We got the photo CD from Steph Carson yesterday, and they turned out great 🙂 I’ll let Emily post how to get to the photos and stuff – we will have to resize them to fit in our gallery but will also provide a link that people can use to order copies of the photos. I’ll post some later this evening to the gallery.

click the photo for more.
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Hey everyone! Thought I’d try to get a post in while I can…
Everything went really smoothly yesterday with labor & delivery. Labor actually wasn’t as bad as I imagined it to be, thanks to my friend Ron who did my epidural ;-). I came into the hospital Tuesday morning at around 3cm. They started me on Pitocin at 6am and I started having contractions within 2-3 minutes. I had my water broken around 8:30-9:00 because I had only progressed to 4cm and my doc wanted things to go a little faster than that. By 10:30 I had had enough with the contractions and wanted the epidural; by that point I was 5cm. All the nursing staff were impressed that I lasted that long, but I don’t remember the contractions being painful until around 10 or 10:15….guess I was just lucky.
The rest of the labor was wonderful, got some rest and time to chat with Paul, etc. Delivery was good as well, I actually only had to push for about 20 minutes. Little Sean did not like the pushing part, his heartrate dropped significantly each time, so the doc decided to get him out faster with forceps. That got him out really quickly, and the rest is history! 🙂
We’ve had a really good first 24 hours with him. He’s extremely good natured, and only cries when we’re changing him or his clothes. Guess he doesn’t like to be cold…hehe. He started out with feedings really well, but then forgot how to suck so we had to resort to syringe feeding him formula this afternoon. He’s doing a little better now, and we figure that we’re both just learning and it’ll get better and easier with time.
We plan on heading out of here around lunchtime tomorrow. We’re looking forward to introducing Sean to Megabyte and getting home to peace and quiet, and a much homier environment!
Thanks to everyone for all the well-wishes, prayers and support! We’ll continue to post pictures as we take them, I know everyone is on the edge of their seats waiting for more and more! 🙂
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Click here for the album from today (we’ll add more when Philip comes to visit tonight). Lots of cute ones! Sean had his first feeding last night and took to it like a champ, but was more finicky today so we had to feed him some formula. He’s been sleeping ever since. Emily got to change a poopy diaper today, and this morning he peed on the doctor. Emily plans on posting tonight on her labor and delivery so stay tuned!
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Sean Andrew Cahill was born at 6:27pm. He weighs 7 pounds, 2.8oz and is 21 inches long. We are exhausted, as is Sean. He just got done with his first meal, thanks to Emily’s mobile lunch carts 😉 He really latched onto feeding. Very few problems so far! I got the “honor” of cleaning the first diaper. Sean gave me the honor of filling the diaper two more times while I was trying to change the initial gift.
I think I may try to hit the hay for a while. I suspect we will be up a couple times tonight.
We have a big window in our room so I should be able to get some nice natural light shots.
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Nurse just came in and put emily in an upright position to help her “labor-down”. did a check and she is now at 9cm!!! Shouldn’t be too much longer :) Mom is still in great spirits and saving her strength for the pushin.
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This is the start to the photos from today. Not much up there.
Unca Sean also created an online video using the CarDomain Video service (easier to use than my download link). Clicky clicky
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I took a video of the heart monitor that baby Sean is attached to. Basically there is a tube that connects to his scalp to monitor his heart rate. Emily is now 100% efaced.
right click, save as or save link as or save target as.. and save it to your PC. Its around 9MB
Emily didn’t want to be on video just yet. We should have some photos of mom-to-be up soon.
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