Lily has been sleeping in the cradle that Lary made Sean since she came home. We put it next to our bed so we could get to her quickly. This has worked well, but she’s a very noisy baby (she squeaks and grunts all the time) so I wasn’t sleeping very well. Last night, we tried putting her in her crib for the first time. She actually did really well! We think that because the cradle was so close to the floor that it was a little chilly for her. She must have been toasty last night because she slept really well. I slept well too; probably because over the monitor, I couldn’t hear all the little grunts and squeaks, just the cries when she woke up to eat. Good job Lily!!
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I know I know – Emily and I have been poor fan club managers of the Lily and Sean Fan Club. I am back in the office full time now and since Emily has me out of her hair during the day, she finally got to edit some pictures 🙂
Lily is doing very well – she was back to her birth weight within 5 days or so of being home. She is doing well with her feedings (every 3 hours or so) and sleeping. Emily is gracious enough to let me sleep most of the night, only requiring me to bear hug Lily once in a while (she passes out when I hold her).
A big thank you to my sister, Megan for knitting some of the cutest booties and little hat for Lily (Emily calls her Lily Bug so it s a perfect match!):

The rest of the photos can be viewed in the Gallery
Thanksgiving is coming up and Megan and Mom are coming down for that. They are going to head back to STL on Friday and then Emily’s dad and step-mom are coming down on Saturday for a longish weekend. Ought to be a lot of fun and plenty of photo-ops! And then shortly after that…I’ll turn the big 3-5! EEP!!
(if you need my address for gifts, please let me know – i keeeed i keeed 🙂 )
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We haven’t been taking too many pictures since we got home – been very busy! But, here are the pictures from the hospital – finally. Hopefully these will do for now 🙂
Click here to see the pictures
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Finally got home early afternoon today. I’m sure we have lots of posts to make and photos and videos to process and put online – but for now we are just settling in and getting situated. Sean was VERY sweet to Lily ( “Lily Sister” ) and Megabyte was happy to see us.
My main reason for posting this is to thank my mom. She came down late Saturday with the intentions of helping us clean the house to get it ready for Lily and spending Halloween with Sean. Sunday mom worked her tail off in the house while emily tended to sean and helped her out where a 9 month preggo woman could help 🙂 I worked in the garage with on on-site mechanic trying to get the montero up and running (it RUNS… still needs work and an exhaust).
Monday I had to work and emily had off so she and mom hung out. While at Olive Garden, Emily started to have strong, quick contractions and sent me a text to let me know to keep my afternoon open. She had a 330pm appt with her OB for her weekly checkup. By the time she saw him at 4, she was ready to go. I got the call and drove in. We were in our room by 4:30. At 9:29 her doc showed up with his game face on and let us know it was time to start pushing. By 9:39, Lillian was with us!
I think we got to bed around 2:30am that night after getting settled in and Skyping with some family and friends.
My main reason for writing this post is to thank my mom. She came down for a quick weekend visit and ended up taking care of Sean and our house for the time we were in the hospital. Was totally not a part of the plan and it made our lives SO much easier. It was also a special time for her – she was able bring Emily to the hospital and get her admitted, and spend time with her until I got there. After the birth, Brian stayed at our house so mom and Diana could come and visit our 1 hour old baby. We also found out that we wouldn’t be released until Wednesday. Mom’s boss let her stay an extra day and she again took care of our house and Sean for another day – a treat for both of them I’m sure!
We were very blessed and thankful to have Lillian come at a time when mom just happened to be around and be available.
Thank you mom – we love you!
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Emily is doing fine and we are just waiting around for the baby to join us 🙂 Will keep people updated!
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