Oct 30 2010

She wasn’t quite ready…

Tag: LillianEmily @ 7:32 am

As most of you know, Paul and I were in the hospital for several hours last night but got sent home. I’d been having contractions on and off since Saturday, 10/23, some lasting for 2-3 hours but then they’d just stop. They never got consistent/regular or painful at all so I didn’t htink much of them. Throughout this week, I continued to have those patterns happen 1-2 times a day where I would start to time them, but they’d just be 8min/12min/6min/20min/18min, etc etc. Yesterday I finished working with the lady who will be subbing for me. She got 2 days to shadow me in my job, which is awesome and I feel great about leaving work now, and that things will be taken care of. As soon as I sat down in my car to go home, I starting having contractions, but these were much stronger and CLOSE together. I clocked them for an hour and they were consistently 3-5 minutes apart and getting stronger as I sat there. Called the Dr and I was ordered into the hospital.
We got to triage and were making bets about how dilated I would be, as I was 3cm on Tuesday. Unforutnatly, I was still 3cm so we were told to walk around the floor for an hour. So, Paul with his Ipod, and me in my little gown and awesome non-slippy hospital socks started walking. We ended up walking for 1.5 hours since there was a shift change at about the hour mark and no one came to get us. It was fine with me though, because I figured if nothing else, it would give more time for change. Things were definitely picking up while walking and I was sure we’d be staying. We got to walk by all the rooms with the new babies (about 1,000 times each) and we spent our walk reminiscing about Sean’s birth, and looking forward to Lily joining us. I was checked again after the walk and I was still 3cm. Bummer! We were sent home. Our entire ordeal in the hospital was 4.5 hours. Luckily though, I was given an Ambien to sleep through my contractions (which they said would either get worse through the night or just stop again) and we got to get some dinner, since I was STARVING.
I passed out as soon as we got home and woke up to no contractions this morning. Dang. On a positive note, I guess it’s a big sign that we need to finish up everything in the house, since she should be coming soon! I’m trying not to be too frustrated about the whole experience, but can’t help but think that she’s going to be a stubborn little thing! 🙂

Oct 20 2010

Here we go!

Tag: LillianEmily @ 6:39 pm

I went to the doctor today and I’m 2cm dilated! Woohoo! I’m so excited. I’ve been in so much pain with my tailbone, and her stretching/kicking etc that I was hoping some ‘progress’ had been made down there this week. I have an induction date of Nov 10 but my doctor said he highly doubts that I’ll make it that long. I go back next Tuesday for another appointment.

Ok folks, it’s officially time to guess the due date!! Make a comment with your date guess and we’ll see who wins!

Oct 15 2010

Pumpkins & Leaves!

Tag: Family,Holidays,SeanAndrewEmily @ 6:45 pm

We walked down the street tonight to get our pumpkins. Sean picked out both his and Lily’s pumpkins. When we got home, we made a giant pile of leaves and Sean jumped in them and ran through them. He had a great time!! Click on the picture to see our fall cutie!

Oct 15 2010

Less than a month to go!

Tag: LillianEmily @ 3:41 pm

Wow…it’s been forever since I”ve posted anything on here. Life has been so busy, can’t imagine what life with 2 kiddos will be like! I think I’m officially “done” with this pregnancy. Between my recent battle with poison ivy (which is slowly getting better with the 6 bandaids that I keep on my hands at all time) and the usual discomforts of the end of pregnancy, I’ve also had a lot of trouble with my tailbone. I am going to the chiropractor about 3 times a week just to remain mobile. I guess Lily is in just the right position to push on my tailbone just enough that any movement side to side, going from standing to sitting and back to standing, or even just walking can be torturous. I’ve been moving SOO slow lately because I never know when the pain will come. It feels like a knife being stabbed into my tailbone with every movement. Dr says that it wont’ go away till the baby’s born b/c of her position…great.

Sean has been especially cute lately. He always wants to see my belly and ‘feel Lily sister move.” He has yet to actually feel her move, but likes to talk about it anyhow. He also says that he has a Thomas in his belly. He tells me to put my hand on his belly so I can feel Thomas move! Last night, my back was really hurting me, and he kept saying “Is Lily sister kicking you?” I told him no, and that my back just hurts. Later that night, he was cooking dinner with Paul and Sean said “my back hurts daddy” Paul asked why and Sean said “because Thomas is kicking me.” How cute!!

I went to Babies R Us today and got what I believe are the last few necessities before Lily arrives. I ordered a new pump since mine died and it should be here any day now. Hospital bag is pretty much packed, carseat is in the car, and plans are set up for Sean while we are gone. We’re ready for you Lily, come on out!!

Our friends Jim & Cathy had their baby on Wednesday and it made it really real that we are going to have a baby in this house really soon! Only about 28 more days! Paul – your counter on here is wrong – I’m due the 12th 🙂

Oct 14 2010

Pumpkin patch and corn mazes!

Tag: GeneralPaul C. @ 1:17 pm

Last weekend, we took a trip with Brian, Ashley, and Diana to the Iron’s Fruit Farm in Lebanon, OH. There were animals, a band, pumpkins, a hay ride, and a 16 acre corn maze. The weather was beautiful and warm. Sean has ton of fun in the maze. Everyone got apple fritters and Emily got an added bonus – poison ivy! We took a few pics (click photos to go to the gallery):

Oct 09 2010

Trip to St. Louis

Tag: GeneralPaul C. @ 10:41 am

Last weekend, Emily, Sean, and I took a long weekend trip to St. Louis. Friday was the opening night for the Musical Megan was performing in (Moby Dick – The Musical) and Saturday night we had the wedding reception for one of my college friends, Greg Gates. My best friend from college, Kurt also flew in from Dallas for the event. We had a great time. Sunday we drove back into the city and had brunch with the bride and groom, some of their family, and friends (also from Murray State).
Saturday morning we took Sean to the St. Louis zoo. I think its one of the best zoo’s in the country. One of the best exhibits is the penguin facility. You get so close to them, that you can practically touch them (and probably could ifs people weren’t looking!). I snapped quite a few pics – some even of Sean 🙂 (click)

This is one of my favorites:

Sean got to ride the train too!

There are some pics at the end of the gallery of sean and his new bathtime favorite – bathtub crayons!

Oct 07 2010

Dad and Mom’s Gallery

Tag: GeneralPaul C. @ 7:35 pm

Dad spent a lot of time scanning his old slides and wood working in the garage building shaker style furniture. He kept the digital copies on his website (LaryandNarni.com) which is now offline. This evening I imported all his galleries though, HERE.

Oct 07 2010

Good bye friend.

Tag: FamilyPaul C. @ 2:45 pm

Today Mom, Megan, and Matt had to put our faithful friend, Baxter “The Wonder Mutt” down to rest. He’s been sick for a long time (although he NEVER showed it) and last night he finally wasn’t himself. Mom took him to the ER and they did a scan and found a large mass in his stomach/intestines. They all got to say their good bye’s and he went very peacefully. Going to miss the “I bark at anything that walks by the window” voice of his.

My sister put this on facebook, and I think it sums things up better:

Today, 10/07/10, it is with heavy hearts and tear-filled eyes that we bid my dearest friend and most beloved four-legged companion, Baxter the Wunder Mutt, a fond farewell. This amazing creature entered my life at a time when we were both vulnerable and needing some extra nurturing. He was a few weeks old and had been found on the side of a highway w/a severely infected back leg and I was 15, nuff said. His unconditional love was one of the things, aside from my family, that’s got me through the roughest years. Then he was there every minute of my Dad’s battle, and loss to, pancreatic cancer. He once again stepped up and helped us heal after my grandmother died a few months later. Baxter was a devoted and intuitive creature. The kind that, if we are so lucky, we encounter once in our lifetime. You will be missed my dear friend. Thank you for gracing my life with 13 years of love and snuggles. See you on the other side, Baby Boy. I love you, always and forever.