Jan 10 2010
New TV
You may remember almost exactly 3 years ago, I bought a new TV. Well starting sometime in December, we started noticing a white spot here and there on the TV. I did some research and found out it is a common problem with this model for the TVs made/sold Dec 2006 – March 2007. Basically, the chip inside the TV (DLP chip) has thousands of little mirrors that are on even smaller hinges. So the hinges lock in the up position and project a white dot on the screen that looks like a dead pixel.
After about a month we went from 3 dots to about 200. We tried to watch Harry Potter last night on DVD and the screen was so terrible it made the movie not so enjoyable. So, after saving best buy gift cards from birthdays and Christmas, I went to Best Buy and picked up a new TV.
Its an LG 47LH40-UA 47″ LCD TV (1080P, 120hz, etc). The picture is amazing compared to the Samsung. We are watching a DVD now and the screen is amazing, but it may take some getting used to. The movements of people, for example, seem weird – kind of hard to explain.