This weekend was Brian’s bachelor party. We started the day off with lunch at Frisch’s and then went to a local golf course. This was my first time golfing, and I really enjoyed it! We got lucky and had a 76 degree day, no humidity, and mostly sunny. My driving was pretty much worthless, but heck, aside from a few practice swings while visiting Jason up in Cleveland, I’d never even touched a golf club (well, except the putt putt courses!).
I played with Brian, Kirk (Brian’s future brother-in-law), Cary (Brian’s best friend and best man), as a foursome, but Adam (Brian’s other brother-in-law to be), Curry (Brian’s future father-in-law), Phil and Phillip (Brian’s brother and step father) followed us in another foursome. It was nice playing with that many people, as I got to try out a number of different clubs and got a lot of good advice from Cary and Kirk.
I may have to start shopping Craigslist, classifieds, and Play it Again Sports for some decent, cheap, used clubs. There is a driving range right down the street from my office…how convenient. 🙂 Emily played a year or two ago with her friend, Mary, and she had a good time, too. May have found a new hobby!
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We had a focus group last night, and it went really well. This was the first time I used our new hard-drive based camcorders and I was pretty excited. Well, turns out I wasn’t the only one excited about them. While I was collecting all my equipment from the break out rooms, someone stole one of the cameras. Brian got their license plate and we had the contact info for the guys finance, plus I had the serial number at home for the camera.  I’m not holding my breath that we will get the DCR-SR82 back or anything.Â
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Chip has almost completed his training!! He had the final removable ring taken out of the trainer, leaving a small ring to hold a tiny bit of litter. I bought him one of those squishy/soft toilet seats because his feet slipped right off of the regular one. The toilet seat is down now, over the trainer. He is now standing on the actual toilet seat and going! He does like to still be able to see that little thin strip of litter in there though. That’ll be the final step, removing the trainer from underneath the toilet seat.  He seems to be doing well though, and hasn’t had any accidents since the new toilet seat got put on. I assume that by next weekend, we’ll take the trainer out from underneath and he’ll be set free and completely trained!! Wow. This is has a long process, but so worth it. 🙂

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Megabyte and her cousins (Lizzy, Sadie, Savannah and Sydney) all went to the Kenton Paw Park today to play. It was a beautiful day, sunny but cool. The girls had a great time romping around with other dogs and making new friends. See pictures of their fun day below!

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Mirth, Musings, & More: Pass The Band Aids
As read on the above blog, OJ Simpson was in Louisville this past weekend for the Kentucky Derby. He and friends went to dinner at a Jeff Ruby’s restaurant. Jeff approached the table and told OJ that the restaurant would not serve him and asked him to leave, which they did.
As a side note, we had our rehearsal dinner at Mr. Ruby’s Waterfront South Beach Grill and Phil is his lawyer. Best steak and seafood you will ever have, and the service is great as well.
I found some more info on
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Put up a couple sets of pictures from the last few days…
First, the bunny hole. As described in the post below, here are some pictures of it after mowing and fur removal. There are a couple of cute pictures of Megabyte in there too 🙂 The lat picture is one of her tonight (5/7/07) sitting in the dark in the yard about 5 feet from the empty nest/hole, staring at it…just waiting for the bunnies to come back. Cute stuff.

Next, are pictures of Chip, just doing his thing. There are two pictures of him in his new favorite sleeping spot; in the recycling basket in the kitchen, and a few of him in a very dainty relaxation posture. 😉 Wierd cat.
And last but not least, some pictures of the day lilies that we transplanted from New York (at Emily’s dad’s) last summer and planted along the side of our house. We were worried that they wouldn’t take, with the differences in climate and soil, but they are up and growing strong. They haven’t bloomed yet, but it’s still early in the season. We can’t wait until then!
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Well, our family is shamed…we mowed our lawn for the first time yesterday and mowed right over a family of bunnies (they are all ok). They had a nest smack dab in the middle of our fenced in yard! All that time, and Megabyte never sniffed them out!Â
For years, Megabyte has been known as the devourer of stuffed animals, and a threat to the life of any little animal that dares to come in our yard. When we found a family of bunnies that has been living in the yard for weeks, we were shocked and amazed that Meg didn’t sniff them out.
We remember about a month ago, Megabyte spent hours running around the yard with her nose to the ground, apparently sniffing out something, but never found anything. I guess she was smelling the bunnies.
So, now she’s embarrassed and ashamed that she let 5 babies and a mommy bunny grow up in her yard without seeking them out and devouring them. Try not to make too much fun of her if you see her. 🙂
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Sorry for the delayed post, but we’ve had a lot going on this week. I took my independent licensure exam on Tuesday and passed!!! Woohoo! I’ve been studying for about 5 months. It’s a 170 question, 4 hour test. Bleh. Unlike my first licensure exam 3 years ago, this one consisted of case examples and “what to do with this client” questions, instead of definition questions like the first one. Made it a lot more complicated and tiring, since you had to read a paragraph “situation” for each question, times 170. *sigh*
But, I passed, and now I’m a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. That means I can have my own private practice, contract my work out to other agencies and hospitals, etc. Paul wondered when I’d be making a $80-90,000 salary and I had to quickly remind him that my degree did include the words “social work,” which translates to “low pay.” 🙂
Now it’s Amberly’s turn! She’s starting the studying process…good luck!
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