Mar 31 2009
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday Brian (Uncle Bri). Hope you have a great, relaxing day! Looking forward to dinner tonight 🙂
Mar 31 2009
Happy birthday Brian (Uncle Bri). Hope you have a great, relaxing day! Looking forward to dinner tonight 🙂
Mar 26 2009
Mar 23 2009
Trying to prep the Yamaha FZ6 so its in a really good sellable condition. The battery died from lack of use over the past year so it needs to be replaced. I went to three different places to buy one tonight – Wal-Mart, Parts Plus, and Pep Boys. No one carried them! They carry motorcycle batteries, just not for the one for mine. Apparently its a yamaha factory battery. I’ll still look online, but so much for riding the bike any time soon. Ugh.
Anyone want to buy a motorcycle? 🙂
Mar 21 2009
We had Steph Carson over 2 weeks ago to do some family pictures, and some of Sean at a year old. She put a few of them on her website last night, which means that we’ll probably be getting them in the mail in a few days! They look great! As soon as we get them, we’ll post them and if anyone wants to order any, just let us know. For now, click here to see Steph’s page, and some of the pictures she took of us. Scroll down past the post about the shoes 🙂
Mar 18 2009
Mar 18 2009
My mom and I were hanging out with Sean after school (we call his daycare “school”) today, and I was going through his little after school routine of snack, then playing with him and my mom was laughing all the things he was doing and understanding. I guess I didn’t realize how much he’s really picked up lately, especially in understanding what we’re saying to him. He talks through his snack, asking for more, and a drink, and pointing toward his goldfish crackers when he wanted some of those. After our snack, I told him to head into the kitchen and find his music (his car wash toy on the fridge), which he did, and played with for awhile. I then asked him if he wanted to give Megabyte a cookie (which he LOVES to do), so he headed right over to where the cookies are and held up his hand toward the box. He grabbed a couple, called Megabyte over to him (he calls out “Rey-right” which is how he says Megabyte) and then gave her the cookies one by one. Then I said that Meg had to go outside, so he walked over to the back door and pointed at it and said “ow-dye” (outside). He lets me open the door and let Meg out, then closes the door behind her. Then I said “ok, let’s go back to the kitchen and play” and he turned around and walked back to his fridge toy.
I guess I’m so used to it, that I fail to notice how much he’s comprehending and talking these days. It’s amazing how much he’s learned in the past month or so.
Also, when we saw Reagan over the past weekend, she had a really neat picture book that Sean liked. I , of course, got it for him, along with one more. He’s already starting to learn to point to pictures and say what they are. Check them out:
Mar 17 2009
Mar 17 2009
Sorry that it’s been so long since we’ve posted. We’ve been pretty busy around here, but now that I”m on spring break, I figured that I had no excuse but to post.
We have a few pictures of Sean the night of Ashley’s birthday dinner. He’s wearing his snazzy shirt and vest that always looked so big to me hanging in the closet…and now it fits him perfectly. He’s getting too big!!
We also have a few videos that we haven’t edited in awhile. First is Sean and the never ending box of baggies. What a mess he made, but it was sure fun!
The next video is of Sean dancing. We’ve been trying to get a video of all his moves, but this only shows his bouncy move and twisty move. He’s got a few more. Hopefully we can catch him in a good mood sometime soon. Paul thought it’d be cute to have him dance to Vanilla Ice, hehe. Please excuse our messy room; we’re in the process of moving our office upstairs 😉
Sean is growing up so fast. His walking is getting really smooth and I bet he’ll start running any day now. His vocabulary continues to grow as well. I think he’s up to about 12-15 words now. He really enjoys playing and learning and dancing! He still carries his kitty around everywhere too. I’ll try not to go so long without posting next time!
Mar 10 2009
A local VW club member is doing a charity ride for Bikes Not Bombs – he is riding from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean on a bike to raise money. On a Bike. 3000+ Miles. ON A BIKE. He doesn’t have his donation link ready, but will soon I am told. The donations are tax deductible I believe. The link above is to his personal blog about his trip.
Here is a brief statement about Bikes Not Bombs from their website:
Bikes Not Bombs promotes bicycle technology as a concrete alternative to war and environmental destruction. For 25 years, BNB has been a nexus of bike recycling and community empowerment both in lower income neighborhoods of Boston and in the nations of the Global South. BNB’s programs involve young people and adults in mutually respectful leadership development and environmental stewardship, while recycling thousands of bicycles.
Mar 10 2009
This website gives an interesting perspective on what a trillion dollars physically looks like. LINK