Jan 21 2013
Christmas and Other winter fun
I had planned on writing a long blog post about Christmas and all the other fun things that went on in December, but I lost my mojo on it. It was a special Christmas – Sean came down form St. Paul and my mom and sister were able to come in from St. Louis. This was the first time I’ve seen Megan since last Christmas! I can’t tell you when the last time that happened! Unfortunately, the weather was predicted to get bad so they were not able to stay as long as they hoped.
Oh, we also had an extra house guest this time – and I don’t think Uncle Sean will be able to visit without her, or face the wrath of my kids – he brought his cat, Pinky:
Megan go to spend time with her first neice, megabyte:
And her Niece 2.0:
Uncle Sean got plenty of time with the kids (to the point where I think he was just about ready to go back to St. Louis and St. Paul maybe even a little early – potty training time with Lillian can over power the weak!):
Lillian even shared her new princess hat with me:
But probably only because she got this really cool winter hat that she loves to wear:
There are more photos in the gallery. Click Here!
Will try to get more updates on here. I’m trying to use Facebook less and get more over here.