Feb 26 2008

We’re Here…

Tag: Baby,Emily,Family,General,PaulPaul C. @ 5:42 am


Emily and I made it to the hospital at exactly 5am. She was admitted and we are currently residing in our temporary quarters until Sean joins us later today. Mom is doing well and we cna hear Sean’s heartbeat on the baby monitor next to Emily’s bed. The rooms here are very nice – comfy recliner for dad, plenty of pillows for mom. We have a nice large window that overlooks Cincinnati. The nursing staff is also very nice. Emily was relieved to find out she will be able to walk around and won’t be confined to her bed all day. I’ll post more later as things progress!

Feb 25 2008

Congrats to Josiah and Less Than a Second

Tag: Emily,Family,General,PaulPaul C. @ 8:15 am

Emily’s cousin is in a Christian/Rock/Alternative band in Florida and they just won 2nd place in a state-level Battle of the Bands in Florida this past weekend! The competed against 36 other bands from around Florida. I just listened to some of their stuff on MySpace and was pretty impressed. Check em out!

Feb 21 2008

Sooner than later

Tag: Baby,Emily,General,PaulEmily @ 7:13 pm

Sorry to potentially burst the bubble of those who were anxiously awaiting their ‘guess date’ for the baby calendar…

About a month ago, my doctor offered to do an early induction for me on Feb 25th or 26th. After about 1 day of thought, Paul and I decided against it, mainly because we didn’t think my body would be “ready” to go into labor and I didn’t want to deal with more hospital time and a worse birth process. Fast forward to this past Monday. My doctor again, as you may know from my post, offered the early induction. I was still hesitant about the whole thing, but he went ahead and scheduled it for the 26th with an appointment to see me on the 25th and to cancel the induction if I didn’t want it.

At this point, I’d say that Paul and I are a little over 90% for the induction. Between battling 2 sinus infections, iron deficiency and now this wonderfully super duper rash all in the last 5 weeks, (lest we forget the normal loveliness of being 9 months pregnant), I’m about to my limit with this pregnancy. Besides, because I’m already 2cm dilated and 60% effaced (maybe more by now with my continued coughing), we are thinking that my body is a lot more ready for labor than I thought I would be at this point when the induction was brought up to me a month ago.

So…barring some weird outcome from Monday’s doctor’s appointment, I think we’re going to go ahead and do the induction on Tuesday. I have already settled into the bliss of thinking that tomorrow is my last day of work for 12 weeks (YAY!) and I know that Paul is looking forward to some time away from the office as well. Not that having a newborn around is going to be a wonderful relaxing vacation, but I think we’re both just too excited to wait any longer. And besides, what difference is it going to make a few months down the road to say whether we were induced or waited it out for it to come naturally?

So…I guess that means that Colleen is the winner by default for the date game. I still don’t count it as a true win, but I’m sure she’ll be basking in the glory of her unprecedented psychic abilities come Tuesday’s arrival. 🙂

I’ll be posting after my doctor’s appointment on Monday, I’m sure, about the results and our final decision. So far, it seems as though we’ll be making the drive to the hospital at 4:20am Tuesday morning for a 5:00am appointment. Ugh.

Feb 19 2008

Why can’t I be this productive all the time?

Tag: Baby,Emily,GeneralEmily @ 10:42 pm

Nesting has become strangely interesting to me. Paul was working late tonight, so I decided to grab some Spaghetti O’s for dinner (yeah, I know, but I was tired and felt like just vegging on the couch with no effort for food). I got them out of the cabinet, opened them, put them in a bowl and hit 2.5 min on the microwave. I then proceeded to unload the dishwasher, load the dishwasher, wash all the pots and pans that had been sitting in the sink for a day or two, scrub every last ounce of dirt off the counter, pack 2 boxes of kitchen items, run around the house collecting all my baskets, emptying them and packing them into a box, then starting to pack the china from the china cabinet before realizing that my microwave was beeping that my food was done ages ago. Ha! Nesting is wonderful….yet strange…

Feb 18 2008


Tag: Baby,Emily,GeneralEmily @ 5:05 pm

Ok, another little update for everyone:

Last night I noticed a little rash around my belly button that was itching like mad. When I woke up this morning, it was all over my abdomen…what fun! I emailed my doctor and asked what to do, and he had me come in today to see him. Result: I have PUPPP (if you click the link, mine looks like the 3rd picture). Basically, it’s a non-harmful itches-like-mad rash that some women get during the last few weeks of their pregnancy. Not much you can do for it except Benadryl and Benadryl cream and trying not to itch. So far it feels very much like poison ivy all over my stomach…such a joyous thing! So, that on top of my already making-me-miserable sinus infection = a not so happy or pleasant Emily.

On a good note however, he did check me today and I’m now 60% effaced and 2 centimeters dilated! Whoa! He said that if I don’t go into labor before Monday, he wants to see me on Monday, and to consider an induction on Tuesday. So…I have a lot to think about. I’m not really super-thrilled about an induction, but with the way I’m feeling lately, It’s rather tempting. Especially if this rash is only going to get worse until I deliver.

So…some bad news, some good. More updates as things progress…

Feb 12 2008


Tag: Baby,Emily,Family,Friends,General,PaulPaul C. @ 11:27 pm

So I just happened to look at our countdown timer just now, and saw that it said twenty days and some odd hours and minutes.  Wow.  It really is coming up soon.  In 20 to 27 days, I will be sitting at Christ Hospital with my notebook in my lap, trying to console my wonderful wife who is going  through labor.  I’ve watched the TV shows, the videos, talked to friends – and this is certainly why guys don’t go thru labor. Its a woman thing and we guys couldn’t deal with it.

Twenty days – I will have a son, I will be (hopefully) moved into my new house, will have family and friends all around us, and experiencing life from a whole new meaning.  I’m very much looking forward to the next 30 days, as it ought to be very interesting!!


Feb 05 2008

36 down, 4(ish) to go!

Tag: Baby,Emily,GeneralEmily @ 8:59 pm

Wow, I can’t believe that I’ve hit the 36 week mark!  Under 30 days now (as long as he cooperates).  Paul and I are so excited to meet Little Sean; we sit in his room every night and look at his cute stuff and dream about how we’re only days away from meeting our little boy!  He’s still kicking like crazy and loves to make my stomach lopsided by sticking his butt out my right side.  I have feet sticking out the left and a butt to the right.  This boy is going to love to stretch when he gets out!

Paul also took some really cool pictures of my tummy tonight; I put them in blank and white (much more pleasing to the eye…hehe) and cropped them up a bit and they really look amazing.  Sorry for you all of you in internet-land though, you can’t see them.  They show some parts of me that I don’t want hopping around on the internet 😉

Check out the 36 week picture by clicking here.  Not too many of these left!

Remember to vote if you haven’t already, for the date he’s born.  Click here to see the calendar.

Feb 05 2008

Busy Monday

Tag: Baby,Emily,GeneralEmily @ 7:35 am

Yesterday was my first Monday off work. I decided to decrease my hours from 40 to 32 starting yesterday so I’d have a little time to get last minute appointments in, get things ready for the baby and get some well needed rest! My day yesterday was pretty busy. Got Megabyte to the vet for all her shots, did all of laundry for little Sean’s clothes / sheets / etc, and visited the last 4 childcare places on my list. I did find one that I really like and I’m going to have Paul go with me sometime this week to check out my top 2 picks and get his input. Both places I found are very friendly, safe and very convenient to both our home and work.

I also had an appointment at a fire station to get the car seat installed in my car and inspected, but when I got there all the firetrucks were gone and no one was around. Oh well, guess fires take precedence over me 😉 I’ll have to try again another day.

Jan 29 2008

So THAT’s what’s wrong with me!

Tag: Baby,Emily,GeneralEmily @ 10:06 pm

Ever since the last few days in December, I’ve had several of bouts of dizziness and near fainting (even have had to leave work because of it). All the reading I did said that dizziness and lightheadedness was fairly normal in late pregnancy, but I knew that something had to be wrong. I can no longer stand up for more than 10 minutes without getting faint, I feel completely drained ALL the time, and get feel lightheaded pretty much all day. Nothing I eat or drink seems to help. I talked to my doctor Thursday about it; and he did some bloodwork on me. Turns out that I’m anemic. Darn kid; not only is he beating the living tar out of me, but he’s stealing all my iron too! My mom said that since he’s been doing triathlons in there and stealing my iron that she’s now going to call him Ironman. 🙂

My doctor prescribed me iron pills and said that should drastically help. My counts were really low, plus my blood pressure’s been on the low end, so I’m hoping for rapid improvement.

Glad to hear that something is going on though, I hate when I know that something’s not right and all tests come back normal; it’s just frustrating. Luckily, there actually was something off, and it’s an easy fix without any concerns for the baby.

On top of that though, I’ve caught a nasty cold. So, not only do I feel like crap from the iron being low, but now I have a head cold that I can’t take anything for…yay!!! I love pregnancy!! (just a wee bit of sarcasm there…)

Only 5 more weeks….only 5 more weeks…

Jan 20 2008

Busy weekend

Tag: Baby,Emily,General,PaulEmily @ 9:48 pm

I had a really busy weekend getting things ready for Little Sean. I started to make several lists: the hospital bag “what to pack” list, the “what needs to be done around the house before baby comes” list, and the “need to buy before baby comes” list. Paul and I hung up lots of stuff in Little Sean’s room too; the wall hangings, the two valances, the quilt, and a toy hammock. Everything is really starting to come together in the room and it is looking more and more ready to house a little boy! We are getting really excited, and with only 6 weeks left, we can hardly contain ourselves!

Look at pictures from his room after hanging everything:

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