Feb 21

Sooner than later

Tag: Baby,Emily,General,PaulEmily @ 7:13 pm

Sorry to potentially burst the bubble of those who were anxiously awaiting their ‘guess date’ for the baby calendar…

About a month ago, my doctor offered to do an early induction for me on Feb 25th or 26th. After about 1 day of thought, Paul and I decided against it, mainly because we didn’t think my body would be “ready” to go into labor and I didn’t want to deal with more hospital time and a worse birth process. Fast forward to this past Monday. My doctor again, as you may know from my post, offered the early induction. I was still hesitant about the whole thing, but he went ahead and scheduled it for the 26th with an appointment to see me on the 25th and to cancel the induction if I didn’t want it.

At this point, I’d say that Paul and I are a little over 90% for the induction. Between battling 2 sinus infections, iron deficiency and now this wonderfully super duper rash all in the last 5 weeks, (lest we forget the normal loveliness of being 9 months pregnant), I’m about to my limit with this pregnancy. Besides, because I’m already 2cm dilated and 60% effaced (maybe more by now with my continued coughing), we are thinking that my body is a lot more ready for labor than I thought I would be at this point when the induction was brought up to me a month ago.

So…barring some weird outcome from Monday’s doctor’s appointment, I think we’re going to go ahead and do the induction on Tuesday. I have already settled into the bliss of thinking that tomorrow is my last day of work for 12 weeks (YAY!) and I know that Paul is looking forward to some time away from the office as well. Not that having a newborn around is going to be a wonderful relaxing vacation, but I think we’re both just too excited to wait any longer. And besides, what difference is it going to make a few months down the road to say whether we were induced or waited it out for it to come naturally?

So…I guess that means that Colleen is the winner by default for the date game. I still don’t count it as a true win, but I’m sure she’ll be basking in the glory of her unprecedented psychic abilities come Tuesday’s arrival. 🙂

I’ll be posting after my doctor’s appointment on Monday, I’m sure, about the results and our final decision. So far, it seems as though we’ll be making the drive to the hospital at 4:20am Tuesday morning for a 5:00am appointment. Ugh.

2 Responses to “Sooner than later”

  1. Colleen says:

    Hey…if you would hold off on the induction Sean would come on the 28th. Don’t deny me a true win. I’m so excited!

  2. Ashley says:

    Brian came up to me this morning and said “Can you believe we’ll be an aunt & uncle by Tuesday???” We are so excited we can’t stand it!

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