Feb 19

Why can’t I be this productive all the time?

Tag: Baby,Emily,GeneralEmily @ 10:42 pm

Nesting has become strangely interesting to me. Paul was working late tonight, so I decided to grab some Spaghetti O’s for dinner (yeah, I know, but I was tired and felt like just vegging on the couch with no effort for food). I got them out of the cabinet, opened them, put them in a bowl and hit 2.5 min on the microwave. I then proceeded to unload the dishwasher, load the dishwasher, wash all the pots and pans that had been sitting in the sink for a day or two, scrub every last ounce of dirt off the counter, pack 2 boxes of kitchen items, run around the house collecting all my baskets, emptying them and packing them into a box, then starting to pack the china from the china cabinet before realizing that my microwave was beeping that my food was done ages ago. Ha! Nesting is wonderful….yet strange…

One Response to “Why can’t I be this productive all the time?”

  1. Narni says:

    I don’t remember the energy surges personally…but my mother kept the Dr. waiting at the hospital when she had started labor with my brother because she was finishing painting something for his room, showering, getting the house picked up, etc.etc. When she finally got to the hospital he yelled: WHERE were you!!!!!

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