Jan 02 2007

New Year’s 2006(7)

Tag: Friends,Fun,General,HolidaysEmily @ 9:37 am

This year we went to Shimmers (formally known as Barrett’s) in Ft. Wright.  We got dinner, dessert and champagne, then hung out until the ball drop listening to Just Gravy.  Some of Jim and Cathy’s friends play in the band, we’ve listened to them before and loved them. 

The funniest part of the night was the ball drop.  We were in the ballroom of Shimmers so there weren’t any TVs.  The band stopped playing at about 2 till midnight, we got our champagne and headed to the dancefloor.  We waited and waited, but no countdown.  We started laughing because our cells phones said 12:01.  At 12:02, the manager finally came running out of the kitchen yelling “7! 6! 5!….”  Whoop-de-doo!  So we basically missed it; it was pretty funny.

We had a great time though; good company & good music.  Can’t ask for much more.  Happy New Year everyone!  And try to remember to write “07” on everything now!

Dec 25 2006

Tag: Family,Friends,General,HolidaysEmily @ 5:27 pm

Merry Christmas everyone!  We hope all of our family and friends have a safe and joyful Holiday!


Paul & Emily

Dec 23 2006

Master’s Martial Arts Xmas Party

Tag: Friends,Fun,General,Holidays,KarateEmily @ 2:13 pm

Last night was the black belt Christmas party for Emily’s karate school.  It was at the clubhouse of Sensei Steve’s apartment complex.  The black belts all chipped in and got Sensei Steve an XBox 360!  He was floored and immediatly plugged it in (of course).  Merry Christmas everyone!

Dec 17 2006

Car-Part Christmas

Tag: Friends,Fun,GeneralEmily @ 1:01 pm

Pictures are up from the Car-Part Christmas party.  Click here to see them.

Dec 17 2006

Congratulations Heather and Tom!

Tag: Friends,Fun,GeneralEmily @ 11:10 am

Last night was Heather (my friend from work) and Tom’s wedding.  It was a beautiful ceremony, and the reception was at The Madison in Covington.  A lot of people from my work showed up, and we had a great time hanging out and dancing the night away.  Check out pictures, below.


Dec 10 2006

Christmas Party

Tag: Friends,Fun,HolidaysPaul C. @ 11:33 pm

Saturday night was the Car-Part.com Christmas Party at the Drawbridge Inn.  We had a great time – really good food this year, Jaime drove down from Pittsburgh and Molly and Andy showed up too.  The highlight of the night was a Kareoke contest (The Car-Part Idol Show) where the winner would be awarded a $100 gift card to Best Buy!  After much nagging encouragement from the group at my table, and Emily submitting my entry for me, I was 3rd to perform my rendition of Ice Ice Baby.   My performance was highlighted by the finale – I did the worm across the floor :)  I got two 10’s and one 7 from the judges – the highest score of the night.  The finals were between myself and Patty.  The original plan for the finals had each contestant performing the other finalists song – so Patty would have had to do Ice Ice Baby and I was going to have to sing some country song (something about a County?  Can’t recall).  However, Jeff Schroder stepped up and mandated an executive order to allow the finalists to perform a song of their choosing.  Sounded like a good idea to me – because while they were cueing up the song for me to sing, I had already performed part of Patty’s song, part of a Garth Brooks song, and one other!
I closed my performance with my all time favorite song for kareoke – Just a Giggalo!  I had some dance steps (can you really call it that?) and a lot of liquid courage in my veins, but I put on a performance that would have made David Lee Roth proud!  I think my final scores for that round were a 10, 10, 8.  So,yes…I won 🙂

After the party ended at midnight, we went down to the Drawbridge’s night club, The Crossbow (which actually has a sign that says “Ft. Mitchell’s Number One Nightclub” or something like that!) and hung out with the work crew down there.  That place is a riot though – its seems to be “the place” for the 40+ crowd to play hookup with people half their age ;)  I was taking pictures of coworkers and was actually told by a bounce that we were not allowed to take them.  Guess the married guys don’t want their wives to see their pictures popup on some website.

We’ll get the photos online tomorrow.


Nov 06 2006

Basket case

Tag: Family,Friends,Fun,GeneralEmily @ 10:09 pm

My mom had her every-other-year Longaberger Basket party tonight.  It was great.  There was lots of great food, fun games, and an awesome scavenger hunt throughout the house that had people running finding clues for about an hour!  Cathy won the scavenger hunt and got a great prize!  Yay Cathy!

My mom is placing the official order on Thursday.  If anyone missed out and still would like to order something, email me or my mom!

Check out Longaberger’s website to see all the stuff.


Oct 30 2006

Ok…I’ve been slacking

Tag: Friends,GeneralPaul C. @ 1:32 pm

I haven’t posted a new blog in a long time (since Oct 4..holy cow!).. What I’ve been up to:

Been extremely busy at work (its trade show season and we have been releasing a bunch of new features).
Went to the annual Cinci DSM Shootout.  I may not own a DSM anymore, but I still have a lot of friends in the group (many of whom don’t own DSMs either anymore)
Ryan Gast and Jessica got married this weekend.  Was a nice wedding and a fun reception.
Emily and I went with Chris, Jim and Cathy, Dallace and Tina, and a few other people to see Spamalot in Cincinatti.  It was a whole lot of fun! (PS – I fart in your general direction)
I have a cisco networking class on Thursday nights.  Thursdays are very long days for me…luckily the class only has a few more weeks.  I’ve also ruined the curve in that class for others 🙂
I attended the LinuxFest Ohio with Jason earlier this month also, up in Columbus.  It was fun…and boy were their some nerd there 🙂
In other news, one of my best friends, Jeff N. will be leaving in a couple of weeks for a 12-14 month tour in Iraq.  Good luck Jeff!


Sep 25 2006

Jordan gets her purple belt!

Tag: Friends,General,KarateEmily @ 11:29 am

Jordan, Jim’s daughter, was promoted to purple belt tonight. The graduation ceremony was awesome. Many students were promoted; they each got a chance to show off some kicks and punches and kata for the audience. At the end, the black belts did some board breaking demonstrations.

Click here to see the videos of black belts breaking boards and Sensei Steve doing one of his flying side kicks over 4 students into a board!

Click on Jordan’s picture below to see all the pictures from her graduation.

Great Job Jordan!

Jim’s black belt graduation is next Friday night; the black belts have to do more demonstrations too. Cathy and I are supposedly breaking concrete that night…stay tuned to find out!

Jul 23 2006

Brian & Ashley’s Engagement Party

Tag: Family,Friends,GeneralEmily @ 9:58 pm

We had a fun-filled weekend! Brian and Emily’s sister Cate came Wednesday from New York for the week. Saturday morning, all of Ashley’s bridesmaids went to Reading, Ohio to look for bridesmaids’ dresses. We narrowed it down to two or three dresses that Ashley and we really liked. Saturday night was Brian and Ashley’s engagement party. It was held in Diana’s backyard. Lots of family, friends, and the bridal party came; the weather was great, we had a huge cookout, and had three sets of cornhole going at once. It was a great party! I uploaded a lot of pictures; hopefully Ashley and Brian will decide on a website name soon so we can get theirs up and running *wink wink nudge nudge*. Click on the picture below to see more pictures from Saturday.

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