Dec 02

Clap Handies!

Tag: SeanAndrewEmily @ 9:02 am

After I brought Sean home from “school” yesterday, we were playing in the living room. We were playing “knock down the tower.” He picked up two duplo blocks, one in each hand, and started hitting them together, which he’d never done before. I think the look of shock on my face made him laugh, so he kept doing it. I picked up some blocks and did it with him. We sat there and hit blocks together and laughed for about 10 minutes. If you remember the paper tearing video, it was like that. He got laughing so hard he would fall over sideways and have to catch himself. I think he realized what a big feat it was to clap things together, or maybe my pure excitement just made him excited 🙂 It’s so neat to watch him gain all of these little skills…our boy is getting so big!

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