Feb 26

Tag: GeneralEmily @ 10:38 am

What a day! Paul and I started the day off yesterday playing paintball with some friends. The weather was perfect, probably the best that I can remember. We had a great turnout, 17 people! We played a couple games of capture the flag, then 2 games of protect the pope, then a 20-round capture the flag (each person only get 20 paintballs for the entire game).
Got some great pictures of it all.

Click here to see more

After paintball we went up to Dayton to watch movies/play poker with some Cincy DSM guys. Paul won the $25 pot at the end of the night (yay Paul!). We learned a few new games that were really fun…we’ll have to have a poker party when we get into the new house!

6 Responses to “”

  1. Chris says:

    I agree, the weather was absolutely perfect! We’re going to try for another game towards the end of March/beginning of April.

  2. Paul C. says:

    Anaconda was a cool game. Slutty Monkey power is a dangerous one! 🙂

  3. Daniel says:

    You guys always do such cool shit… so are there any battle scars? I hear that stuff bruises.

  4. Paul C. says:

    My only hit was in my face mask during the 2nd game. I got a cut/bruise on my right shin from doing a commando-dive and landing on a nice sized rock though. I think emily and philip have some war scars, but they aren’t too bad. I’ve had a couple over the years that were quite nasty, especially when Sean shot me up my face mask and the ball broke on my upper lip right below the nostrils.

  5. Emily says:

    I’ve got a bruise on my arm. I only got shot up one time, but it mostly hit my mask and gun…thanks Chris. 🙂

  6. Chris says:

    You’re welcome 🙂

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