Jun 12

James Taylor!

Tag: Family,FunEmily @ 8:05 am

Last night was James Taylor at Riverbend! My mom got 8 tickets, 4 in the 2nd row of pit and 4 in the 5th row of pit. She set up a contest to see who was most worthy to sit closest to James during the concert. Two nights ago, we all took a 10 question general knowledge quiz about JT; that was the first part of the contest. Laurie came in 1st, me in 2nd, then Paul, then Ash then Brian. Phil didn’t have to compete for a seat b/c he and mom already claimed two of the “B” row seats.
The second part was that we had to bring something to the limo that best represented James Taylor to us. Everyone had really cute ideas; I brought Little Sean with a tag on his shirt that said “Sweet Baby James.” It was really cute and I got extra points for it!
The third part of the contest was a “finish the lyrics” contest in the limo on the way to the restaurant. Aunt Laurie won that round by far!
There was also an immunity idol that got you an automatic seat in the B row. If someone brought “the elephant” (long story…if you haven’t heard, ask us sometime) to the limo and sat it with them through dinner, they automatically got a B seat. Brian did it proud as can be and got his B seat.
I ended up with a B row seat for winning the overall contest, but gave my seat to Ashley so she could sit next to Brian. We all decided to switch it up anyhow after the intermission.
The seats were amazing and so was the show! During the intermission, some of us went up and got our tickets signed by James and got to touch him *sighs a dreamy sigh*. During the last couple songs, we got to go right up to the stage and sing and dance. My mom, Aunt Laurie and I were literally right in front of him against the stage…wow. It was cool. He looked right at us during “How sweet it is to be loved by you.” My mom nearly fainted 🙂
Thanks again to my mom for an awesome, unbelievable night! It was a blast!!!

Sean did great with his very first babysitter too, went to bed around 7:30 without a problem, and didn’t wake up until 4:00am. Thanks again Kristan!!

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