May 22

Day 2

Tag: SeanAndrewEmily @ 8:12 am

Sean did really well for his second day of daycare. His routine was much better (he ate all of each of his bottles instead of just part of them, sleep was more consistent, etc) and they said that he did great. When I got there, he was playing in a bouncy seat. I snuck up on him and got in front of his face. It took him a second to realize I was there, then he got a big smile on his face. It melted my heart 🙂

We went out last night for awhile and didn’t get home until 10pm. He of course passed out around 8 like usual, and when we got home, I fed him a quick bottle, and put him to bed. He them slept until 4:45am again! Yay Sean! I am really liking all this extra sleep and not having to get up at 2am to feed him!

Today he starts “gama daycare” with my mom. I bet he’ll sleep most of the day after being worn out so much at daycare the past two days. We’re also heading to St Louis this evening for the weekend. We’re really excited for his Gramma Narni and everyone there to see him! He’s grown so much since the last time we were there.

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