Apr 19

Tell me how you really feel

Tag: General,SeanAndrewEmily @ 9:06 am

We’ve been struggling lately to get Sean to sleep in his crib.  He has spent the last 7 weeks sleeping in people’s arms.  I think between traveling so much and moving and having so many of his relatives around, people (including us) tend to just snuggle him constantly and so he’s never really learned to be put down to sleep.  We’ve been working on it and in the process have learned that he really likes sleeping on his belly more than his back. We bought a special monitor that has an alarm on it if he stops moving/breathing for 15 seconds so we aren’t concerned about him sleeping on his stomach.  Plus people have been doing it for all of time…it’s just seems like the current thing to make babies sleep on their backs.

Anyway, he’s been doing a little better with it; I’ve been tracking his eating and sleeping to start to get him in a little routine.  This morning, I went in to check on him and I found him telling me exactly how he feels about sleeping in his crib instead of his mommy’s arms…check it out by CLICKING HERE.

Enjoy. 🙂

One Response to “Tell me how you really feel”

  1. Amberly says:

    ahh, rebellion–my favorite trait! at least until we have our own kids 🙂

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