Apr 16

Shutdown Day

Shutdown Day

Mark your calendars for May 3, 2008 – its the annual ShutDown Day!  This is a day where you shut your computer off and don’t touch it for 24 hours.  Can you do it?  Its a Saturday so I think I am going to try it out this year 🙂

2 Responses to “Shutdown Day”

  1. Daniel says:

    I normally stay off the computer on the weekends anyways, but still…. i plan on fighting the system and sitting on my ass in front of the screen all day… just to be an asshat.

  2. Chris says:

    Ya know, I might just go for that too. It’ll be the weekend after my finals are over, so I’m sure I’ll need to unwind. Since I stress myself trying to keep up with news and blogs, and trying to think of things to post, why not unplug, go for a bike ride and just completely disconnect and relax!

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