Sep 11

Sweet dreams / 15 weeks

Tag: Baby,Emily,GeneralEmily @ 7:52 am

I had another baby dream last night.  Well, a toddler dream, but either way, it was a boy.  So that brings the tally to Boy – 2, Girl – 1.

Also, I hit the 15 week mark this morning.  Time is really going fast now, but I’m sure it’ll go even faster as the weeks continue.  I still haven’t “popped out” yet, but hopefully that’ll come in a week or two. 

I had a Dr. visit last Thursday.  We got to hear the heartbeat!  Our little one is working hard in there!  I’ve gained 5.5 pounds too.  Actually I’ve lost .5 pounds since my last Dr. visit.  Probably because I was eating every 45 minutes before, and for the last 3-4 weeks I’ve been eating normally/healthier again.  Feeling great; no more nausea just really really tired.

Yes, we’re sorry about not getting a 14 week picture online.  We got really busy last week and didn’t realize it until Thursday or Friday.  We’ll try to remember to take one tonight.  Not much has changed though.

4 Responses to “Sweet dreams / 15 weeks”

  1. Daneil says:

    did you examine the rest of the dream? maybe there’s more meaning there!

  2. Paul C. says:

    Yes! another boy dream! I’m winning! Erm..I mean, I’ll be happy with either sex 🙂

  3. Ashley says:

    I think you guys are having a boy!

  4. Sean C says:

    *WOOT* for the Boy!!

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