Jun 20

Does Chip read our blog?

Tag: Chip,Emily,GeneralEmily @ 11:19 pm

So I know it’s wierd, but ever since I wrote that post about Chip being declawed, he’s been Mr. Nice Cat.  He’s all purry and lovey and rubby all over you.  He’s even cuddled with me in the morning!  Hmm…suspicious.  We’ll see how long it lasts.  Guess I’ll give him one more chance.

Also, I bought something today that should help with my aversion to litter boxes (hence why I tried toilet training in the first place).  It’s the Litter Locker, and it’s a special cat litter trash can that seals up the ‘stuff’ in a bag so it has no smell.   Kind of similar to those special trash cans for baby diapers.  Instead of me trying to explain, check it out below:

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