Jan 22

Another Bungle Arrested…

Tag: GeneralPaul C. @ 2:29 pm

According to the news feed on Insight Broadband, another Bengal’s player was arrested this weekend, this time for drug possession.  Do all NFL teams have as many problems as our fair city?  I remember when St. Louis first got the RAMS, there were quite a few drunk driving arrests, including one player who plowed over and killed a pedestrian.  He got a slap on the wrist and I believe was arrested sometime later on another drunk driving stop.

People wonder why I don’t like sports – I vew these players as ambassadors to society- children (and adults) look up to them and they need to remember this and act accordingly.  If we are willing to pay them the salaries they feel they deserve (and by “we” I mean everyone else who buys mechandise, tickets, etc. since I don’t own anything like that), then those players need to wise up.

They make decent enough money that cab fare should be a drop in the hat.  Or heck, have the teams pay someone a mediore salary to be an on-call designated driver!  Sign me up, I can handle that one!  I’m sure the coach would rather get a call at four in the morning from a drunk player (or other methods of innebriation) than from the team’s lawyers or local PD annoucing their arrest.
Do other professional sports leagues have these problems or is the media “out to get” the Bengals?


One Response to “Another Bungle Arrested…”

  1. Kurt says:

    Your Bungels have definitely taken the lead in this category. Other teams may have an incident or two a year (unless you have T.O. on your squad). But it appears you guys have been working hard on having off the field problems.

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