Dec 05

Paul’s Birthday

Tag: Family,Fun,GeneralEmily @ 8:44 am

We had a fun night for Paul’s birthday. I tricked him into taking his Durango to my mom’s house to ‘open presents’ before we went out to eat. We surprised him by telling him that the whole family was going out to eat with us at Carlo & Johnny, a Jeff Ruby restaurant in Montgomery. It was great, we all pretty much had our usual filets (you just can’t beat ’em), then Paul opened all his presents.

The funniest part of the night was the travel time. Paul’s Durango is supposed to seat 8, and it sure did. We packed ourselves in like sardines; 8 adults. It reminded me of a clown car, we were all sitting sideways and on top of eachother. It must have been a funny sight to see us all pile out of the car at the valet!

2 Responses to “Paul’s Birthday”

  1. ashley says:

    Yes, the car ride was wonderful! Actually, the ride there was great in the very back w/ Phillip. The ride home–not so much! Hope you had a good bday Paul! (I have some pics I’ll send to you guys too!)

  2. Terri says:

    Emily, thanks you so mcuh for dinner. It was awesome. Jim went wild for the pork!!! I hold you in my heart. Thanks Terri

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