Sep 25

Next book

Tag: Books,General,ReligionEmily @ 9:56 pm

I think I’ve found my next book! Thanks for the suggestions, on here and in person. I was thinking about going with one of the books suggested, but tonight I came across a book that I just have to read. It’s called “How to pray after you’ve kicked the dog” by Terry Teykl. It’s a book about prayer, and how to develop your prayer life based on your personality.

Renewal Ministries says this about the book: “Just why is it so hard to pray? You may be surprised at some of the hidden reasons. This, sometimes humorous, look at how to defeat intimidation, shame and fear of failure will give you a new freedom for your prayer life. Explore your prayer temperament and learn how to pray in a manner that is effective and personally satisfying. No matter where you are in your faith walk How to Pray After You’ve Kicked the Dog will encourage you.”

I’m looking forward to reading it; I make an effort to include prayer in my life as much as I can each day, but probably like many others, feel that it’s just not enough or that it’s just not ‘as good as it could be.’ I’m hoping that this book will give me a new spin on things and teach me to pray more effectively and personally.

My friend Phyllis gave a devotional tonight in our Emmaus team meeting about changing ourselves and our prayer lives. The point that hit me hardest was that she said that we need to change our prayer habits: that prayer is meant to change and grow us, not to give God a list of to-do’s. So…I look forward to reading it, and will let you know how it is!


One Response to “Next book”

  1. Chris says:

    Sounds very interesting! Let us know what you think when you finish it.

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