Aug 07

Recovery cont.

Tag: GeneralEmily @ 11:12 am

Recovery is slow.  Saturday was pretty good, I was able to eat a little more; moved up to mashed potatoes, lentil soup and applesauce.  I got a little more range of motion in my jaw, and the pain was subsiding.  Yesterday was the pits.  I was actually in tears 2-3 times because the pain was so bad.  I had started to extend the time period between pain pills on Saturday, but had to revert back to every 4 hours on Sunday because it was just too unbearable.  Third day is suppose to be the worst post-op though, so I’ve heard from numerous people.

Today I’m doing better.  Range of motion in my jaw is still an issue; I can’t close my teeth together yet and the most comfortable position to hold my jaw is with my mouth about 1/2 inch open, how attractive!!  Trying to talk is just funny.  My family is doing a great job poking fun at my attempts at communication.  Right now, I can’t say Cs, Gs, Ss, etc.  Anything that requires closing my mouth to say is impossible for me right now. 

I feel pretty good overall today.  I’ve been up and around, playing some games and spending time out of bed.  I don’t know when I’ll be able to go back to work.  Guess it depends on how I progress with being able to talk and be understood, therapy doesn’t work too well when one party can’t talk. 🙂

One Response to “Recovery cont.”

  1. Mary says:

    Hope that you are feeling better today!!!

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