Aug 04 2006

Healing begins

Tag: GeneralEmily @ 8:10 pm

Got my wisdom teeth taken out this morning.  I’m actually doing a lot better than I thought I would.  I haven’t slept yet, which is surprising.  I’ve been eating quite a bit (soup, baby food bananas, yogurt, ice pops, etc).  I don’t see any bruising yet, but I really hurts when I run my fingers over my jawbone, so I may see some of that tomorrow.  A little swollen, but applying ice regularly to try to lessen it.  I can talk ok, but I do have Trismus, which the after-care instructions explained as a tightening of the jaw muscles after removal of impacted teeth.  It’s quite annoying and a little painful, can’t open my mouth more than a 1/2 inch or close it all the way.  Soo…back to the bed to watch tv and maybe read a book.  Thanks for everyone’s encouragement, suggestions and prayers.  Hopefully my recovery will be quick 🙂

Aug 01 2006

What a load of garbage!…or not

Tag: GeneralEmily @ 8:59 pm

I find it absolutly amazing that since my post on July 18 about recycling, we’ve only accumulated 2, yes that’s right, 2, bags of trash. ALL the rest of our stuff is recyclable. WOW. That blows my mind. We haven’t even received our bin yet from the recycling company (should be here w/in a week) but I’ve completely filled a huge tupperware bin full to the brim and only –> 2 < -- garbage bags in 14 days. That's awesome. Before we recycled, we averaged filling a huge garbage can with 4-6 bags/week. Yay recycling!

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